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E1.33 SLP SA Tests
From wiki.openlighting.org
As E1.33 (RDMNet) draws closer, I thought it would be good to start releasing some testing tools. The first of these are some simple tests to check a RDMNet device's SLP SA implementation. The SLP RFC can be rather hard to read so I build up a set of tests to check a variety of corner cases.
The test program is part of OLA and can be found in tools/slp . It isn't included in the binary packages so you'll need to build from tarball or a git clone.
[hide]Running the tests
Running the test is as easy as passing the IP Address and (optional) port of the host to test. For example:
The default port is 427, you can change it with:
Restricting the set of tests to run
You can get a list of all test cases with
./slp_sa_test --list
You can then restrict which tests to run:
./slp_sa_test 0 --tests CaseSensitiveScopeSrvRqstTest
I've found the fastest way to debug failures is to use WireShark. If you have questions about the tests cases, please ask on the RDM Testing List.
Right now the tests don't cover any DA interactions. I'll try to add this in a future release.