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Responder Testing with the Raspberry Pi


Revision as of 20:34, 9 November 2012 by Nomis52 (talk | contribs)
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This tutorial describes how to run the RDM Responder Tests on the Raspberry Pi. It builds on the procedure documented on the OLA on Raspberry Pi page.

Required Hardware

Along with the hardware in the Getting Started section, you'll need one of the USB RDM controllers listed in the RDM Responder Test FAQ. It's recommended that you attach the controller through a powered USB hub.


Follow the method described at the OLA on Raspberry Pi page. It's strongly recommended that you use the Binary Packages Image, unless you have a good reason for doing otherwise.


Once all the steps on the above page have been completed, there is one more step to enable the tests. SSH to the Pi device and run:

dpkg-reconfigure  ola-rdm-tests

When prompted if you want to start the RDM Responder tests at boot, select Yes. You should then see:

[ ok ] Starting OLA RDM Test Server:

and get back to the command prompt.

Patching a Device

You need to patch your USB RDM controller to a universe. Connect to the OLAD web console at (replace with the IP Address of your device). Click on 'Add New Universe' and select the device you want to use for RDM testing.

Once the USB device is patched, you can start running the tests.

Running the Tests

Everything is setup at this stage. You can connect to the RDM Responder Test UI on your device by opening a web browser and typing (replace with the IP Address of your device). The guide to the RDM Responder Test UI explains how to run the tests.