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Building OLA for Windows


Revision as of 12:19, 5 May 2014 by Lukase (talk | contribs) (Install Dependencies)
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This describes how to get OLA compiled for windows, it's a work in progress so it's unlikely to work as is. This tutorial uses gcc as the compiler, other compilers have not been tested.

During Google Summer of Code 2014, this port will be worked on as one of the selected projects.

Install Mingw, msys & build tools

Together MinGW & msys provide a unix-style shell environment & compiler suite for windows. Read the instructions at the MinGW site for more info. MinGW now provides an installer to get most of the system up and running quickly. Download the installer and make sure you select "C++ Compiler". "MSYS Basic System" & "MinGW Developer Toolkit" when prompted.

Once the installer has completed, open the msys shell (under Programs > MinGW) and install some additional packages:

$ mingw-get.exe install msys-coreutils

Install Git

Git is used to checkout (and commit) the ola sources. See, be sure to select "checkout as is, commit unix style" during the install otherwise you'll get autoconf errors.

Add the following line to your .bashrc file so that git can be used within msys:

PATH="$PATH:/c/Program Files/Git/bin"
alias git=git.exe

Install pkg-config

Download pkg-config-lite from (the latest binary should work) and extract it to your MinGW directory.

You also need to add

 export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig

to your .bashrc file.

You might also want to edit your .profile file and add
[ -f ~/.bashrc ] && . ~/.bashrc

Install Dependencies

For each of these it should be as simple as downloading the package, placing it in C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\home\USER , un-taring the package and running ./configure , make & make install.




Build OLA

  • Do a git checkout of OLA
 $ git.exe clone
  • Prepare autotools files
 $ autoreconf -i -f
  • Run ./configure
 $ ./configure
  • Build
 $ make

Current State / TODO

See the GSOC project page.
